[Wikipedia-l] multilingual wikipedia

Mattis Manzel mattismanzel at yahoo.de
Wed Nov 3 17:08:37 UTC 2004

I'd like to propose a new Wikipedia: "the multilingual wikipedia"

Some ideas about how to do that are on 

I would be very interested in getting the multilingual features of 
oddmuse (the colored background, the language filters) ported to 
Mediawiki and then start working on two things:

A) Elaborate the engine to make it work for multilingual pages: language 
filters also in the edit mode, inclusion of automatic pretranslation in 
a new translate-mode, etc.
B) Start making the "multilingual wikipedia". Kinda getting people into 
the fun of translation.

Hopefully this wouldn't require a fork of Mediawiki. Unfortunately I 
have a vage feeling that it does. In that case I propose as a name for 
the multilingual Mediawiki engine: MMediawiki ;)

But who knows?  Maybe things are easier than I think?

thank you


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