[Wikipedia-l] Re: Minority/majority question

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 31 14:48:14 UTC 2004

Evan Prodromou wrote:
> Yann Forget <yann at forget-me.net> said:
>  > We had one such issue on fr: recently about [[Action directe (...)]].
>  > Some wanted to say "(terrorist group)", some "(left-extremist 
> group)", and
>  > some other "(armed group)" and the last "(revolutionary group)".
>  > And any other combinations of the above.
>  > The issue is not settled yet.
> What about the very neutral "(group)"? Is it pretty much consensus that 
> they are
> a group? Is there another group named "Action directe" that needs to be
> disambiguated from?
> ~ESP

Group sounds somehow unnatural.

As far as consensus goes, I might say that there should be pretty much a 
consensus that they are an armed group. I doubt anyone would dispute 
they use weapons to help their voice be heard.

Any other reference (left-extremist or terrorist) is a POV rather than a 
factual description so should be left aside

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