[Wikipedia-l] Disambiguation detector

Lee Daniel Crocker lee at piclab.com
Thu May 29 03:26:47 UTC 2003

> (Axel Boldt <axelboldt at yahoo.com>):
> If we adopt Magnus' feature (which I would support), then it should not
> become a user option. The whole point of the feature is to do away with
> hand-written disambiguation blocks, but that is only possible if
> everyone uses it.

No, that's not the point at all. Hand-written disambiguations with
clarifying comments are invaluable. This new feature, if we can figure
out a good way to do it, is to facilitate creating them and keeping
them up to date, not to eliminate them.

Lee Daniel Crocker <lee at piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com/lee/>
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