[Wikipedia-l] larousse.wikipedia.org?

Richard Grevers lists at dramatic.co.nz
Wed May 21 20:45:26 UTC 2003

On Wed, 21 May 2003 09:56:59 -0400, Alex R. <alex756 at nyc.rr.com> gave 
utterance to the following:

> I think that the analogy with Macintosh may be a bit wrong. If someone
> gets linked to Wikipedia by putting the word larousse into a brower,
> search engine, etc., in light of  Larousse publishing English 
> encyclopedias
That isn't going to happen. "Larousse" is only temporarily visible during 
the transition to the new webserver. The name will not be used at all in 
public once the transition is complete. My hosts use server names which 
include "Scooby" and "Scrappy" but the only reason I know that is through 
doing contract work for them (you might see it on a tracerout result, too). 
Will Hanna-Barbera file suit? Not likely.
Richard Grevers
I live in my own little world

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