[Wikipedia-l] ads on user pages

koyaanisqatsi at nupedia.com koyaanisqatsi at nupedia.com
Wed Sep 25 21:26:10 UTC 2002

I don't think ads should be up there: suppose I want to put up an ad for something someone else finds patently offensive, or link my user page to amazon.com or kiddie porn?  I think--and this is just my /opinion/--that user pages are a friendly service intended to make the editing a little more personable, and we really shouldn't abuse wikipedia for profit.  And yes, I do consider it abuse.

I would /very much/ like to hear what others, especially Jimbo, think about this.


Vicki wrote:
>He's wrong, imho, but I'd like some comments, so it doesn't look like a 
>private argument
>between the two of us. Conversely, if I've misunderstood and ads on user 
>pages are cool,
>I want to know that.

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