[Wikipedia-l] Kooks and trolls: Rant about losing great contributors

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Sat Sep 7 03:45:58 UTC 2002

I agree! 

The aim of the wikipedia project is NOT to let every total lunatic have
their say freely... it's to write an encyclopedia with useful,
comprehensive, intersting articles. It's not meant to be a soapbox, but
some people just don't seem to understand that. Since I joined, only one
active contributor has been banned, and even that was seen as
'over-reacting' by most people even though it was totally deserved. ANY
community has rules and they have to be enforced or there'll be total

Also, as a subpoint, we want the wikipedia to be reputable, and there's
discusion about how to get 'experts' involved... letting Little Johnny
stand up and state repeatedly that black is really white and there's an
official conspiracy that's conned the entire rest of the world into
believing it is NOT the way to do either. 


Karen AKA Kajikit

And on the seventh day, God said 'What my world needs is a creature 
that will truly appreciate it in all its facets' - 
and so He made the kitten.

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