[Wikipedia-l] Re: [Intlwiki-l] Enciclopedia Libre

Stephen Gilbert canuck_in_korea2002 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 16 12:02:56 UTC 2002


Thank you for your message. I took the liberty of
forwarding it to the wikipedia-l mailing list.

We're glad that the EL is generally friendly in
feeling toward Wikipedia. There are a few comments
over there that seem to be based on bad feelings
toward us; I'm happy that they don't reflect the
feelings of the majority of your contributors.

We have also been discussing cooperation between our
projects, and the possible reunification. I'm not a
spokesman for all of Wikipedia, but the general
agreement here seems to be working toward bringing the
two projects closer together while maintaining our own
Spanish articles at http://es.wikipedia.com (soon to
be changed to .org).

I think you'll like the Phase III software, and I hope
you can get it up and running. You might be interested
in wikitech-l, the software developers' mailing list.

Stephen Gilbert

--- Juan Antonio Ruiz Rivas <juanan at us.es> wrote:
> Hello everybody, greetings from "Enciclopedia
> Libre".
> First of all I want to clarify that general sense
> from people in EL is
> about friendship and goodwill towards Wikipedia
> project, though some of
> us disagree about some questions concerned to
> Wikipedia we are talking
> about in the past.  
> We were talking and voting about the reunification
> as we made at
> dia and finally we have decided to stay in the same
> server here at
> Sevilla and under the name of "Enciclopedia Libre",
> nevertheless we do
> not discard the possibility on returning Wikipedia
> in the future
> (whenever people in Wikipedia agree) and our wish is
> about
> collaboration, talking and good relationships.
> I think the time talk us about our community finally
> approaching
> themselves, depending on mutual desires and the way
> both projects shall
> take.
> About Phase III Program I am trying to test in over
> an old PC but I am
> fighting against Linux and time.
> I read this mail list each day and wish to
> collaborate in embassy
> projects between Wikipedia and EL, you can write to
> me in English or
> Spanish at juanan at us.es. 
> Best regards, 
>         juanan &8.)
> Juan Antonio Ruiz Rivas
> Centro de Formación PAS
> Universidad de Sevilla
> tfno. 954487458
> juanan at us.es
> ----
> Hola a todos, saludos desde la Enciclopedia Libre.
> Ante todo me gustaría aclarar que el sentir general
> de la gente que
> trabaja en EL es de amistad y buena voluntad hacia
> el proyecto de
> Wikipedia en donde la mayoría comenzamos, aunque
> algunos discrepemos con
> algunas cuestiones relativas a Wikipedia que ya han
> sido comentadas en
> otras ocasiones.
> Hemos estado discutiendo y votando sobre la
> posibilidad de volver a
> Wikipedia tal como se planteó en
> dia y finalmente nos hemos decidido a seguir aquí de
> momento tal como
> estamos, sin descartar la idea de volver algún día a
> Wikipedia e
> intentando estrechar lazos en la medida de lo
> posible. 
> Creo que el tiempo dirá si finalmente nos acercamos
> o alejamos de
> Wikipedia, esto dependerá del interés que pongamos
> las dos partes y del
> rumbo que tomen ambos proyectos. 
> En cuanto a la fase III del software estoy
> intentando hacer unas pruebas
> en un PC un poquillo viejo y aún tengo algún
> problemilla con la
> instalación del Linux. 
> Sigo normalmente las discusiones en esta lista y me
> gustaría participar
> en el proyecto de embajadas que se está poniendo en
> marcha, podéis
> escribirme en inglés o en español a la dirección
> juanan at us.es.
> Saludos a todos, 
>         juanan &8.)
> Juan Antonio Ruiz Rivas
> Centro de Formación PAS
> Universidad de Sevilla
> tfno. 954487458
> juanan at us.es
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