[Wikipedia-l] Moving the English Wikipedia to en.wikipedia.org

elian elian at gmx.li
Sun Oct 13 15:03:10 UTC 2002

tarquin <tarquin at planetunreal.com> writes:

> Flags & Maps -- both far too complicated. And they're contentious
> issues just waiting to explode in our faces.
> Flags -- which ones to use? What to do for languages spoken in many
> countries? What to do for countries which speak several languages?
> World Map -- what about mixed areas? What about the load time for the
> image? It'll have to be pretty big to show the different areas of
> Switzerland, no?
> What is the *basic, driving* idea behind these suggestions? to make it
> simple for people to find their language on the portal page.
> The simplest thing is still to have the name of each language, in words.

Just what I wanted to say. Let's take us an example from the success of
Google in contrast to other search engines. 

One search field + button, a wikipedia logo and below the different
language wikipedias ("La encyclopedie libre française (5000 articles)",
"Die deutsche freie Enzyklopädie (5800 Artikel)" and so on)

People don't like to read too much on a front page. They prefer a simple
and fast-loading interface - then they will stay.

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