[Wikipedia-l] Unprotecting does not work

Brion VIBBER brion at pobox.com
Fri Oct 4 00:53:42 UTC 2002

Andre Engels wrote:
> Someone noted on [[Wikipedia talk:Disambiguation pages with links]] that
> [[Wikipedia:Disambiguation pages with links]] was locked. Going back to the
> page, I noted that it was, clicked on unlock (there is no good reason to lock
> this page, while there is a good reason to not lock it, namely giving people
> the chance to remove pages they have fixed). But after that, the page
> remained locked. What is going on?

It looks unprotected to me. Did anybody else do anything to it?

(Did you try reloading the page? Did you try clearing your cache? etc)

-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)

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