[Wikipedia-l] beta/stable ideas

Bryan Derksen bryan.derksen at ualberta.ca
Thu May 23 04:03:59 UTC 2002

At 01:17 AM 5/23/02 +0200, you wrote:
>That said, here's my minimalistic suggestion: everything works exactly
>as it does now, except that every page gets two additional links:
>"View last reviewed version of this article" and "I have reviewed this
>version of the article and I think it is ok". The history of every
>article would record who has reviewed which version of the article and

How about having a page which presents links to articles in decreasing 
order of time since they were last reviewed? If everyone every once in a 
while grabbed a few off the top to review, then eventually all of the 
articles would be cycled through on a regular basis.

Personally, though, I think things are pretty good as they are right now.

"Let there be light." - Last words of Bomb #20, "Dark Star"

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