[Wikipedia-l] Big thumbs up for the new meta software

Manning Bartlett manning at bartlett.net
Sat Nov 10 07:40:12 UTC 2001

OK - if you'll look you'll notice that I've been in the new meta environment all day. It is FANTASTIC - I really like it.

A few minor bugs however...

1 - On the preferences tab, there is no option to reset the time that I could find - I am 19 (!) hours ahead of the server and it is really frustrating to have to read the wrong time (from my perspective) all the time.

2 - When you create a new profile, the welcome message has a spelling error: "Don't forget to personalize your wikipedia perferences!" - should be "preferences". (I created the dummy account "Test delete please" while verifying this - please delete it)

3 - Someone needs to write the help page and the help page for the user preferences tab. I stayed out of it, due to inferior expertise. Apologies for the "where's the help then" remark :)

4 - I'd prefer to see the Page Titles in blue and bold as they are on the old Wikipedia - it just looks better.

5 - The star trek skin is cool, but hard to read. Different font colours would be nice. Is there someway we can add more skins?

6 - is there ever going to be an easy way to link between the two environments? Say using [[[ (a triple bracket) or even something weird like %% to indicate links to the opposite environment. I've moved a bunch of pages, but it is just too daunting to go through and rebuild all the links just yet... I'll get around to it.

Apologies if I am sounding picky - so let me restate that the new software utterly ROCKS! Absolutely... I can't wait until we port the full Wikipedia to it.

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