[WikiFR-l] Re: Wikimedia France

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Sam 23 Oct 23:27:14 UTC 2004

Here are the final bylaws adopted, as well as names of all those who 
signed (or will signed...)



Anthere a écrit:
> Hello,
> The french association Wikimédia France was officially
> created today in Paris.
> After a full day rererereading bylaws, changing
> articles (again...) and correcting typos, and just
> stopping for lunch, all fondators physically present
> signed the final documents.
> We were actually slower than expected, and we ended up
> in an internet cafe to print final bylaws before
> signing them, since we had to leave the meeting room
> before being done :-)
> The foundators are 20. Those not physically present
> will sent proxy voting in the next few days to Ryo.
> We had to refuse a few candidate foundators, as they
> had not offered the necessary information in time
> (name, adress etc...).
> 2 foundators (present on irc) also decided not to sign
> the bylaws.
> On monday the 25th, a meeting on irc of all foundators
> will allow to elect a board of 5 to 9 people. 12
> people are candidate.
> On thursday, on irc again, all board members will
> elect their president, secretary and treasurer.
> ------
> All in all, though a tiring day, it was a very
> interesting moment for all of us and a real pleasure
> to meet new people and to see others again :-)
> Anthere
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