[WikiFR-l] Re: OVH is now the owner of www.wikipedia.fr

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Mar 19 Oct 17:39:26 UTC 2004

I tried again to reserve it last summer, after the legal changes, and it 
had not changed. I could not buy it. It was required to be a firm or an 

Notafish, are you volunteering to contact the guy ? That would be great.

Yes ? Please ?


notafish a écrit:
> As i understand it, OVH is the web hosting company (technical
> contact), not the owner. The owner is a certain Stéphane Bruckhert.
> As for domain with .fr extension regulations, they have changed since
> May 2004 : see http://www.afnic.fr/obtenir/choix , and more detailled
> : http://www.afnic.fr/obtenir/chartes/nommage-fr#4. Anyone can have a
> domain name in .fr.
> the best thing to know whether it is a friendly reservation or not, is
> to contact the owner. His e-mail address appears on the WHois
> database.
> Cheers,
> Delphine
> On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 17:37:56 +0200, Van Der Biest François
> <francois.vanderbiest at free.fr> wrote:
>>OVH fournit bcp de bande passante à sourceforge pour le téléchargement de
>>Ce devrait donc être une réservation amicale, a priori. Je ne vois pas pourquoi
>>OVH se mettrait à dos toute la communauté Wikipedia, dont l'intersection avec
>>celle du LL est non nulle.
>>Francois Van Der Biest (aka Bouba)
>>Selon Anthere <anthere9 at yahoo.com>:

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