[WikiEN-l] Citizendium

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Tue Sep 19 12:10:54 UTC 2006

On 19/09/06, Kim van der Linde <kim at kimvdlinde.com> wrote:

>  To
> many people seem under the impression that Citizendium is written solely
> by experts, my impression is that the bulk of the work is still done by
> many authors together, with a major difference that only a 'finalised'
> version is approved and visible for the larger public.

(We should all keep in mind that Citizendium isn't written by anyone
at all as yet - it's still only a proposal.)

It's a useful idea, yes. I'm wondering, though, if their model
includes non-experts as important contributors (which is what you seem
to be saying), whether their initial publicity will prove problematic.
It's not so much pro-expert as anti-non-expert. I don't see why a
non-expert would bother with volunteering for it, what's in it for

Expert review of Wikipedia content is already possible. It doesn't
even have to be done on Wikipedia - links to good versions of articles
would suffice, as the URL of a given revision is unchanging.

(This ties in with [[WP:100K]].)

- d.

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