[WikiEN-l] Google Earth screenshots

Steve Summit scs at eskimo.com
Wed Nov 22 17:58:08 UTC 2006

Bogdan Giusca wrote:
> What should we do with the screenshots taken from Google Earth?
> I see that more and more of them are uploaded on en.wiki, for example
> to illustrate things such as high-schools or cities.

I'd say delete them, *especially* the ones that are or contain
the map data.  (At least one of those looked like Mapquest or
Google Maps, bot of course it's the same issue.)

I'm sure the uploaders are well-meaning, and really want a
picture of their school or city in their articles, but there's
really no justification, and it sets a bad precedent, and
although Google might not complain, it can't be the sort of thing
they'd condone.

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