[WikiEN-l] Re: Why is this an emergency?

James D. Forrester james at jdforrester.org
Sun Sep 25 21:38:12 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

Daniel P. B. Smith wrote:

> Oldtimers: is the school struggle just par for the course, or does it  
> represent an emerging and deepening _lack_ of consensus on important  
> issues?

I'd like to jump in here and say that it's merely one of the unfortunate
side effects of our community not scaling perfectly in all directions at
once, but I don't think that I really count as an "oldtimer" - I've only
been here AFAICT for 9 months or so longer than yours, and my account is
barely 6 months the elder. :-)

However, on the topic at hand... well, we've always (that I've seen) had
divisions over what exactly our purpose and scope should be. Nowadays it
is more pronounced because people are feeling less in touch, and perhaps
a bit more alienated, with their fellow editors.

As to disputes in general, though, I'd say 'twas e'er thus, sadly.

Yours sincerely,
- --
James D. Forrester
Wikimedia : [[W:en:User:Jdforrester|James F.]]
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