[WikiEN-l] Re: The curse of Jack Sarfatti?

MAURICE FRANK megaknee at btopenworld.com
Thu Oct 13 11:14:24 UTC 2005

>Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 11:11:13 -0700
>From: "Poor, Edmund W" <Edmund.W.Poor at abc.com>
>Subject: RE: [WikiEN-l] Re: The curse of Jack
>To: "English Wikipedia" <wikien-l at Wikipedia.org>

>1. I unblocked his [[user:JackSarfatti]] account.
>.2. I unblocked the [[Jack Sarfatti]] article.
>3. I tried (twice) to tone done the anti-Sarfatti
rhetoric there, but
>have given up for the day.
>4. I marked up with HTML strikeout the message on
Jack's user talk page
>which threatened legal action against Wikipedia; he
told me over the
>phone that I could delete it.
>5. I suggested to Jack that he confine his wiki
activity to the
>[[talk:Jack Sarfatti]] page - rather than trying to
edit the article
>He is a newbie. He does not know the rules. He didn't
know that users
>aren't allowed to delete other users' talk page
comments, for example. 
>This sort of thing is going to happen more and more,
now that Wikipedia
>is the 45th most popular web site (and has 750,000
articles in the
>English edition). Let's treat the public right. 

Yes let's, eh?

If you claim to "be entitled to anything", you get
permablocked for it and told that it counts as making
legal threats. Which it doesn't anywhere else in the

If you really make legal threats, and act on them, and
send "unpleasant emails", you get unblocked.


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