[WikiEN-l] SD Magazine article: The Wiki Way

Poor, Edmund W Edmund.W.Poor at abc.com
Thu Mar 3 22:55:39 UTC 2005

The April 2005 edition of Software Development Magazine has an article
Rick Wayne wrote about wiki software, and MediaWiki has BY FAR the
nicest screen shots. You'll recognize the yellow flower and the
puzzle-world right away. It's in the April 2005 edition, which just
arrived in my snail mailbox today at work. (The online version lags a
few days behind, but I'll send in the URL once it's up. And, no, this is
not an April Fool's joke; I never joke around about the *really*
important stuff!)

Here's the caption for the Sample Wikipedia Page:

"The Wikipedia is the canonical example of what you can do with
MediaWiki; here's the entry on data structures, with the navigation bar
at the left and the toolbar on the top." (P. 32)

Wayne also mentions Wiki Woes:

"Vandals. Unless you're trying for the widest possible user community,
it's best to hide your wiki behind some sort of access control.
Otherwise, the maladjusted may take advantage of the Edit This Page
button until you're ready to chuck the whole thing. . . ." (P. 33)

Who knows? Maybe we'll get a flurry of contributions to our
computer-programming articles.

Uncle Ed
(still alive and kickin')

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