[WikiEN-l] wikimania acceptance rate? (update)

Sj 2.718281828 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 21:07:15 UTC 2005

Submissions were generally good, and we tried to accept as many
submissions as we could.  Due to time constraints, a number of
presentations could only be accepted as short presentations.

== Presentations ==
8 of 10 workshops and tutorials were accepted.  
Another two tutorials were specifically requested.

Of around 65 other submissions, we have accepted 44:
  27 as presentations 
  15 as short presentations / part of a panel discussion
  Two fun submissions will be part of a late-night program, along with
the wikitrivia finals and virtual mud-wrestling. (ok, the mudwrestling
is still a point of contention)
This comes to around 25 hours of presentations and workshops, spread
across the three days of the conference.

== Hacking Days ==
Another dozen ideas have been submitted from various wiki developer
groups (XWiki, Twiki, PurpleWiki, Confluence, Craowiki, TING?) about
tools and hacks to present during the Hacking Days leading up to the

== Proceedings online ==
Serious submissions, including those we were not able to accept as
speakers, will be invited to have a paper included in the online

Last-minute posters and papers (particularly for breaking
developments) are being accepted for another few weeks.

== Unofficial calendar ==
Finally, attendees and those planning to take part via skype/IRC are
invited to schedule their own gatherings and specialized workshops :


> We have accepted:
> 4 Keynotes and special invitations
> 35 presentations.
> 7 short presentations
> 2 after hours presentations
> There are 6 open and late submissions still under discussion.
> There are at least 3 accepted Poster/Paper only submissions.
> There are 19 rejected submissions. In a few cases, people sent more
> than one abstract, and generally only one was accepted, so the number
> of rejected submissions reflects this.
> More information about the conference can be found at
> http://wikimania.wikimedia.org/
> Angela.

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