[WikiEN-l] Failed edits may in fact have worked

slimvirgin at gmail.com slimvirgin at gmail.com
Sun Jan 16 21:25:00 UTC 2005

Apologies if the rest of you already know this.

When I try to save an edit, the page often appears not to load, and I
get a message saying that the server didn't respond. For example:

"Sorry- we have a problem... The wikimedia web server didn't return
any response to your request . . . Generated Sun, 16 Jan 2005 21:08:30
GMT by maurus.wikimedia.org
In the last couple of days, instead of continuing to try to save, I've
opened a second browser window, gone to the page, and on every
occasion, the edit has in fact been saved. I thought I'd pass this on
in case it's of use to anyone. It may mean that the recent increase in
requests-per-second is in part caused by editors continuing to try to
save edits that only appear to have failed. This adds to the load,
which slows things down even further. But I'm talking way beyond my
technical knowledge here, so I'll cut out any further analysis.  :-)


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