[WikiEN-l] Journal denies existence of Yopu article cited by Tteexx/Stewped

dpbsmith at verizon.net dpbsmith at verizon.net
Mon Jan 3 16:23:08 UTC 2005

> > From: Stewart Pederson <stewped at gmail.com>
> > Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Re: alleged improper block of Tteexx
> >
> > And to Fred, yes I believe the article has factual basis because I've
> > been involved in the research.  Rice is and has been in Tibet for a
> > long time.  This was a very very quirky story that has reached an
> > almost legendary status in Tibet.  I'm going to work in getting
> > pictures of the Yopu statue and form a separate site about the on
> > going research.
> 1. If what you say is true, then you can resolve the issue very easily
> by showing us the journal article which you claim to know of.

I have now received a reply from timothyfox at panopticonasia.com. You may 
recall that the only evidence Tteexx presented in support of the existence of 
the legend, and defending against charges that it appeared to be a hoax, was 
this citation:

> Lewinski and Manes. "Legends of Rural Tibet." The Journal of
> Asian/Diasporic and Aboriginal Literature.
> http://www.kuixing.panopticonasia.com/fall04/yopu.html. Fall 2004

That URL returns a 404 Not Found, but User:Tteexx or "Stewped" (if he wants 
to use it as his email address I think I can use it to address him) insisted 
that it was a real article temporarily unavailable at the website. 

I have now received a reply from the editor of the online journal, who says:

> From: timothyfox at panopticonasia.com
> Date: 2005/01/03 Mon AM 02:45:58 CST
> To: "Daniel P.B.Smith" <dpbsmith at verizon.net>
> Subject: Re: Did Fall 2004 issue contain an article on Yopu by Lewinski and 
>      Manes...
> Dear Professor Smith,
> Kui Xing has not even had a first issue out yet; it would also be
> available online. Sadly, we have had thus far just one submission for
> possible publication and that is available in the "Workshop" section of
> the website.
> What you find at the Kui Xing website
> (http://www.kuixing.panopticonasia.com) is all there is. How terribly
> distressing if indeed somebody has used our website as a defense for a
> hoax of some sort. Hopefully this sort of thing does not happen too often!
> Thank you for notifying me.
> Sincerely,
> Timothy R. Fox
> Kui Xing: The Journal of Asian/Diasporic and Aboriginal Literature

Since the VfD discussion page asks that it not be edited further, and the 
article is deleted so its talk page is unavailable, I am presenting this here 
for the record. However, I would like to add it to the VfD discussion page 
with a suitable explanation if the acting sysop, Ta bu shi da yu, will give 
me persmission to do so.

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