[WikiEN-l] Re: A neo-Nazi wikipedia

Arkady Rose arkady at arkady.org.uk
Mon Aug 22 18:46:03 UTC 2005

JAY JG wrote:

> Sadly, I appear to no longer be in control of Wikipedia; it turns out
> the chief Jew is Jimbo himself:
> [http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?t=187311]  They also
> appear to have figured out anonymous proxies, TOR proxies, and dailup
> IPs, and have advised their use (and used them with some success) to
> get around blocks.
> Oh, and regarding me, "That Jayjg guy is a real partisan Jewish
> douchebag, and he seems omnipresent."  That one really hurt. 
> Omnipresent?  Is that a euphemism for fat? :-O

What had me giggling was the line about 'the term "Wiki" refers to
"Wicca"' - these guys really do not have a clue about what a wiki really
is or the origins of the word, do they? Heh. So next will we be accused
of secretly running a coven? Oh, no, wait - don't tell me, that's the
Secret Cabal of Administrators, right?

Of course that would then lead to questions of whether it's a
Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Lycian or Eclectiv coven - but hey, these are
neo-nazis who don't let a little thing like religious accuracy get in
their way. We're all devil worshippers and Jimbo sacrifices babies at
the clambake every third Tuesday of the month, right?


- Arkady (who happens to be Wiccan....)

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