[WikiEN-l] Nude Kate Winslet Picture Nonsense

Rick giantsrick13 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 18 16:03:58 UTC 2005

--- Arno M <redgum46 at lycos.com> wrote:
> Kevin, you have my full sympathy. I'm still only
> semi-returned after a making a similar decision
> about having a wiki-vacation last year.
> You've hit the nail exactly on the head when you
> wrote "We exist to be an encyclopedia
> not a bastion of freedom of speech. We are here to
> provide information NOT to make political statements
> about censorship."
> Unfortunately, there are far too many individuals
> here who seem to think otherwise, and this is very
> disruptive. 

Why is it that those of us who believe that this *is*
information are the ones who are being disruptive? 
We're not the ones running around demanding things
HAVE TO GO.  We're the ones saying, let's keep valid
information.  (Gawd, who would ever have thought that
I'd ever be a rabid inclusionist?).

> That picture should definitely go. It is not the
> explicit stuff that the autofellatio picture was,
> buit its purpose is still to shock in the name of
> freedom of speech more than to inform.

Codswallop.  It's an image illustrating an article
about a movie, taken from the movie.

> Whatever happened to that bowderliasing project that
> was promised in the wake of the autofellatio
> picture? That seems to have dioed a quiet death.

Who promised any such thing?


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