[WikiEN-l] Nude Kate Winslet Picture

Zach Alexander zalexander at peace.gordon.edu
Wed Apr 13 15:34:20 UTC 2005

Alphax wrote:

> Sean Barrett wrote:
>> For me, the largest part of the problem with the Kate Winslet nude is
>> that it renders all of Wikipedia non-work-safe.  You can defend the
>> autofellatio picture by asking "why are you looking at an article
>> about sucking your own dick while at work?" but if any article that
>> mentions any person can have a nude picture of that person, I don't
>> dare use Wikipedia anywhere but in the privacy of my own bedroom, with
>> the shades drawn.
> Er, the Kate Winslet nude is only marginally "nude". If it's such a 
> problem, use a tabbed browser or disable images.

"Marginally nude" is still nudity. One breast counts as nudity. You can 
argue that nudity should be allowed on Wikipedia, and I might even 
agree with you, but a spade's a spade.

And you can't seriously mean that disabling images is a real solution 
to the problem. We'd have to have a notice on the main page, e.g. 
"Note: Nudity may appear in any entry. If you are offended by nudity, 
please disable images in your browser." I don't think that would go 
over well.

>> Right now, anyone at my place of work who happens to look up Kate
>> Winslet will be disciplined.  If he then inadvertently trips over
>> another Wikinude, he'll be fired.  In other words, Wikipedia is now
>> unusable in a buttoned-down professional environment.
> Why are you looking up Kate Winslet at work anyway? Why aren't you 
> working?

I agree that this is a very good question. But the workplace isn't the 
only context where being seen using a site with random nudity on it has 
social consequences. So I think there's still some need for policies.

How hard would it be to add to Mediawiki the option to tag explicit 
images, and have an option in the preferences to not see them? A la 
Google SafeSearch. This might be a win-win (aside from the programming 
work) solution.


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