Rick giantsrick13 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 10 18:36:24 UTC 2004

I don't know where the idea that Cuba isn't part of North America comes from.  I was always taught that all of the Caribbean (including Trinidad, surprisingly) was part of North America.

Jens Ropers <ropers at ropersonline.com> wrote:
On 10 Sep 2004, at 01:23, wikien-l-request at Wikipedia.org wrote:

> Message: 4
> Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 15:02:25 -0600
> From: Fred Bauder 
> Interestingly, Britain and Ireland are considered part of Europe, even
> Iceland is, while Cuba is not considered part of North America.
> Fred

Is that so?

Well... four words: United States foreign politics ;-)

- Jens

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