[WikiEN-l] Fwd: email from Irismeister

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Mon Nov 29 11:45:26 UTC 2004

I have no idea why Irismeister is sending this to me in particular.
Forwarded without comment, hard as it was to resist.

- d.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Irismeister <danjipa at freemail.iris-ward.com>
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2004 13:54:56 GMT
Subject: Wikipedia e-mail
To: David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com>

As per your choice of banning me for one year, and our "agreement"
concerning such an unwise move, please find attached the text of my
first legal action. This was started during the day of my ban. And the
fronts of the huge legal battle that has started against your
dictatorship are multiple and wide.

Ten individual FTC Consumer Complaint Forms have been filed on behalf
of prominent public figures nominally, against each of the offending
sysops on the Wikipedia list.

You'll find the scope of the problem by checking the legal records and
papers with an attorney of law of your choice, as per rn.ftc.gov
policies, or only by waiting patiently for legal papers coming in your
own physical mailbox. You will be informed individually and in due
time of your rights and of your "space of legal opportunity" with each
of the following move in the list.

Let us say, safely, that a lesson in modesty will be gently and
legally taught. You no longer have the opportunity to stop the legal
action because of your vote on my ban. Finally, a word of wisdom: let
us hope that, to the very least, you'll think twice before your next
movement as an admin, sysop, or only editor.

We are all real human beings, David, not products of your imagination :O)

Wikipedia.org, a product of Wikimedia Foundation Inc. promotes media
violence, violence as a mean to settle intellectual dispute, and
violence as a culture - notably in the form of libel, abuse of sysop
power, censorship and overt insults. Moreover,   Wikipedia.org, a
product of Wikimedia Foundation Inc. promotes disinformation,
pornography and disgraceful displays of pornographic images under
cover from arcane "company policies". Perhaps the long experience of
its founder, Mr Jimbo Wales, a former CEO of Bomis and a leader of
pornographic industry, explains such disgraceful, offensive company
policies. As an author, an editor, user and contributor, and a medical
doctor myself, I have repeteadly and publicly informed the founder,
sysops, administrators and editors of Wikipedia of their enormous
bias, media violence, promotion of disinformation, promotion of media
violence, libel and unjustified public insults - all to no avail. My
contributions have been censored, and traces!
 of public dispute have been wiped out. They are available as track
records in public repositories, at trusted third parties, complete
with the list, addresses and legal files and profiles of offenders.

Dr Dan Jâpa, MD, PhD
Second irismeister,
danjipa at freemail.iris-ward.com

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