[WikiEN-l] (no subject)

David Gerard fun at thingy.apana.org.au
Wed Nov 17 09:40:19 UTC 2004

Subject: [WikiEN-l] About the CVability of Wikipedia process and content
In-Reply-To: <419AE74D.7080909 at earthlink.net>
Return-Receipt-To: fun at thingy.apana.org.au

Charles Matthews wrote:

>Correct as far as it goes.  But more to the point is that until WP editing
>looks good on a CV, no academic worth having will give it the attention.

I recently got a new job. On my CV under "Interests" I listed Wikipedia.
We chatted about it at the interview. (I said "it's good to pub quiz level,
but the technical and computer stuff tends to be very good and
comprehensive indeed." Which I think it is, generally.) I got the job :-)

(Sysadmin at a financial information publisher, not academic. But anyway.)

- d.

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