[WikiEN-l] Arbitration Committee election cycle officially started

Michael Snow wikipedia at earthlink.net
Sun Nov 14 21:13:56 UTC 2004

Although there's been some concern about whether enough qualified 
candidates would come forward, those of us helping to plan this election 
have decided that it is time to start the process officially. Rather 
than decide how many positions we're electing, we have decided to open 
the election for candidates to declare themselves. We should soon be 
able to tell if there are good candidates capable of filling all of the 
vacant seats.

Information about the election is at: 

Anyone planning to run should announce their candidacy by posting a 
statement to: 

The current timetable is for the election to be held from the 1st to the 
15th of December. Candidates should declare themselves before November 
30th, but we strongly encourage interested candidates to declare as 
early as possible so we can make a sensible decision about how many 
positions we plan to fill via this election.

We also still need somebody to serve as election inspector and run the 
election. Danny did this last time - is he interested in doing it again? 
Somebody else could too, or more than one person. The conditions, I 
believe, are that you not vote or be a candidate in the election yourself.

--Michael Snow

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