[WikiEN-l] Speeding up arbitration

Mark Pellegrini mapellegrini at comcast.net
Sat Nov 13 02:35:12 UTC 2004

(crossposted to Wikipedia talk:Requests for arbitration)

One of the largest complaints about arbitration is that it is too slow. In
an attempt to remedy this, the arbitration committee has decided to require
that '''all evidence''' on evidence pages be formatted chronologically, with
concise summaries of events and links to page diffs.
[[User:Raul654/Plautus]] should serve as an example. Evidence not formatted
this way may be summarily deleted.

The reasoning behind this is as follows - the slowest part of arbitration is
arbitrators trying to understand what happened in a dispute. All too often,
disputants do 'mental dumps' onto the evidence pages, making the job of
sorting it out extremely difficult and time consuming. This requirement
should serve to make this step it easier and faster.


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