[WikiEN-l] the AC needs people with free time and interest

Rebecca misfitgirl at gmail.com
Thu Nov 11 21:41:29 UTC 2004

> Once someone does sort through it, and proposes something, the actual
> voting is comparatively unproblematic.  There have been occasions when
> voting has been too slow, but that can be dealt with by e.g. leaving
> nagging messages on peoples' talk pages.  The biggest and hardest to
> overcome delays are those where voting has simply never started, because
> nobody had the time or inclination to wade through the pile of evidence
> and accusations to distill a set of options to vote on in the first
> place.  How to solve that I don't really know.

It shouldn't be awfully hard. At the moment, we have less than half
the arbitrators prepared to do this - Fred, James, Mav, Jw and Raul. I
don't think I've missed anyone. The simple answer is that we need
another seven who are equally prepared to put in the time and get this

-- ambi

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