[WikiEN-l] Atomz Search?

Catherine Munro artslave at usa.net
Mon May 17 21:19:55 UTC 2004

I posted this today on the External Search Engines page 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:External_search_engines), thought 
it might be worthwhile to cc it here:

Has anyone explored the Atomz Search application for use on 
Wikipedia?  (see http://www.atomz.com/applications/search/ and also their 

I use the free Express version for my personal site, and it works very 
well, is extraordinarily customizable, easy to integrate into a site, and 
you control ''when'' content is indexed.  I've seen it on many other pro 
sites as well.

It's a pay service for sites with more than 500 pages (heh), and of course 
there's no pricing on their website -- it's ye olde "contact our sales 
staff" routine.  It may be too pricey for a site as large and 
index-intensive as this one, but it should at least be worth exploring..... 
especially since the search application in hosted on '''''their''''' 
servers, not ours.  And who knows, they may be willing to negotiate a deal 
with a site as prominent as ours is becoming.

Perhaps Jimbo or someone else with an idea of how much we would be willing 
to spend to have a reliable internal search mechanism could contact them...?


artslave at usa.net 
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