[WikiEN-l] Re: Offensive photos policy

Sheldon Rampton sheldon.rampton at verizon.net
Thu May 13 16:47:08 UTC 2004

Ray Saintonge wrote:

>An option to hide all images is still useful, but that has nothing to do
>with offensiveness.  It would be welcome by people with slow internet
>connections as we keep getting away from plain vanilla text articles.

Perhaps there is a software solution. We could add a field to the 
"image" table called "img_rating," which could be used to indicate 
potentially offensive characteristics of the image from a fixed list 
of possibilities, e.g., "sex," "violence," "profanity," 
"scatological." The same fixed list could be added to user options, 
so that people could choose themselves which types of images they 
prefer not to see.

--Sheldon Rampton

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