[WikiEN-l] NPOV means that we acknowledge all views

Poor, Edmund W Edmund.W.Poor at abc.com
Mon Jan 12 14:22:09 UTC 2004

Libertarian alleged:

> It is several weeks since Ed Poor and Angela tried 
> mediating on at least one issue (their mind was made up 
> already but they were pretending to mediate), but when I 
> confronted them with FACTS and EVIDENCE, they quietly 
> withdrew from the mediation. This is a 
> clear case of dishonesty, but never mind.

I gave you all the help you asked for; you stopped asking for help, so I
stopped helping. If you want more help, please ask for it.

Criticizing your helper (for not helping you enough) is not going to get
you as much help as ASKING FOR HELP.

Libertarian also seems to think:

> If flat-earth theory is given the same legitimacy as what 
> science accepts the shape of the earth to be, Wikipedia 
> loses its credibility.

This argument is not sound, because it ASSUMES that Wikipedia gives
legitimacy to flat earth, and that it gives legitimacy to what science

1. The [[flat earth]] article, which I helped edit, says in its opening
sentence that the theory is "opposed to the view of modern science"

2. The Wikipedia neither endorses nor opposes the findings of modern
science: it merely REPORTS these findings. If scientists make a new
discovery, and other scientists are able to replicate these findings, we
change our science articles accordingly. If enough scientists challenge
a prevalent view, then we report the existence of that minority and
explain why they hold contrary views.

Libertartian also complained that:

> He who shouts the loudest wins on Wikipedia. This is the 
> reason that it has not evolved into real storehouse of 
> knowledge.

To some extent, this is true. I have been "shouted down" occasionally;
on-line discussion is not a perfect process, and a WikiWiki is not a
perfect medium. If you have alternatives, please suggest them.

But to the extent that any of our articles don't provide real knowledge,
I would venture to say that the biggest problem is that we have only
begun, and we have only a small volunteer staff. When Britannica or
Americana encyclopedias get ready to issue a new edition, they HIRE
hundreds of editors and pay REAL MONEY for articles. Our goal is to make
a free encyclopedia: free as in free speech, as well as free as in free

Ed Poor, aka Uncle Ed

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