[WikiEN-l] Re: Anent Dartmouth, Again

Jens Ropers ropers at ropersonline.com
Sat Aug 28 18:08:16 UTC 2004

On 28 Aug 2004, at 14:54, wikien-l-request at Wikipedia.org wrote:

> Message: 10
> Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 08:47:00 -0400
> From: "Anthony DiPierro" <anthonydipierro at hotmail.com>
>> However, I do feel that I did not lecture but plead and also feel that
>> I did not engage in hostile behaviour.
>> -- Jens [[User:Ropers|Ropers]]
> Considering you called the professor who did nothing wrong stupid and
> arrogant I'd say you were hostile.
> Anthony

Are you referring to my response to Geoff Burling? Is he "the 

If not, please explain.

If yes, then please note that I did NOT call Geoff "stupid and 
arrogant" -- and I would be curious to hear where you are taking that 
Maybe you are confusing me with Christiaan. I am not Christiaan. I am 
Jens. Jens Ropers. Known here as User:Ropers. Also called Ian. Also 
known as (the) rop. Aka the fake Irishman. Historically known as 
Ropercop. Anyway. Christiaan has his views and I have mine. Christiaan 
has his way to respond and I have mine. There may be some common ground 
between Christiaan and me, but there also is common ground between 
Geoff and me. That said, I believe Christiaan, too, for all the 
emotionally charged language he used, DID NOT call Geoff "stupid and 
arrogant" EITHER. So again, I really don't know where you are taking 
that from.

This was my first response email:
(Note that I wrote it as a general email to the list, quoting only 
Geoff's comment and not giving his name, to avoid the issue getting 

Geoff chose to respond to me and Christiaan in one email:

Because I'm not Christiaan, I only responded to the sections of Geoff's 
email that I felt were directed at me:

-- Jens [[User:Ropers|Ropers]]

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