[WikiEN-l] Craig Hubley

Adam [name omitted for privacy reasons] wikien-l at Wikipedia.org
Mon Nov 3 23:53:13 UTC 2003

Craig Hubley lives in Toronto Canada. He is a founder of P146 -- a group which advocates regional secession from the Canadian national government; as well as from Toronto, Ontario, and the UN. He is a fan of the movie "Fight Club". He has a degree in mathematics, from the University of Toronto, Waterloo (1987).  He enjoys writing reviews for Amazon.com. He is associated with the Free University of Toronto, the Unicus Corporation, the Green Party, and Craig Hubley & Associates. He is a fan of Winona LaDuke.  

It is easy enough, if you so desire, to search the internet and obtain his phone, fax, email, associates, friends, resume, education, personal correspondence, home address, and place of employment. 

Notable Quotes by Mr. Hubley
  a.. But I have made up my mind whose side I fight on, and I would cut fifty human baby throats to save one gorilla.  In the 1960s there were "race traitors". I am a "species traitor". Take that as you will, but perhaps you see some reason now why I am not going to be participating in any great depth in any advice beyond the economy, which all Anthropoid nations participate in, whether willing to, or not...    
  b.. The only real standard for money used by human beings for human concerns should be free time... I can buy a comfortable hour of being left alone by everyone to consume any non-material comfort that I want, for one US$. How's that? The government operates "don't bug me" isolation tanks for one dollar an hour to guarantee that price, and all of them have a cot and toilet and lots of Internet bandwidth... with programs set up to route people together who belong together.    
  c..   In Canada our most educated observers have concluded that the PRovinces are pernicious instruments for exploiting natural capital as resources. Jane Jacobs, the noted urbanologist, advocates the city-state solution. We should be talking about how the NAFTA region, and then the OAS region, can develop workable investment and currency liquidity standards so that there is no "Rent-seeking" nor "race to the bottom" in either bloc.
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