[WikiEN-l] [m.bomb at verizon.net: wikipedia]

Jimmy Wales jwales at bomis.com
Sat Nov 1 22:09:26 UTC 2003

There seems to be a trend lately of people writing to me personally to
complain about articles.

I'm half joking here, but possibly we should have a link "Complain
about this article".  But when people click on it, we say "Hey, don't
complain, get involved!  Go back and click 'edit this page'.  But
first, please read _this_, _that_, and _the other_ to understand
what's going on around here."

The reason I'm only half-joking is that it's actually better for
people with ideologically-based complaints to just send me email,
which I pass along for us to try to accomodate in an NPOV manner, than
to futher encourage partisans to get involved.

----- Forwarded message from MINDBOMB <m.bomb at verizon.net> -----

From: "MINDBOMB" <m.bomb at verizon.net>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 20:17:32 -0500
To: <jwales at bomis.com>
Subject: wikipedia

checking something today and found the link I put there
under Islam external links
picture and text about the victims of Islam was removed
this site is culled almost entirely from the haddith and the Koran and from
statements from spokespersons for Islam also studied refutations from
scholars.  there are also links to current events concerning Islam  like the
recent statements from the PM of Malaysia 
I would like to reedit this entry  to allow people the opportunity to read
the quotes that show the politically incorrect side of Islam.
there are refutation of Islam from ex PLO trained terrorists  who left Islam
This one topic "Islam"is by far the most crucial subject concerning the
future of terrorism and peace and it is unwise to allow it to sit there
without allowing some of the facts to be illuminated.
I could begin to edit in the dozens of derogatory suras  concerning killing
pedophile rape but these are
 inflammatory and expose Islam for what it is Nazism 
but I'm satisfied to leave the one link there it seems childish to have to
constantly re-update this particular page as you have come to know.
so let me know how to proceed and to what extent. thanks

----- End forwarded message -----

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