[WikiEN-l] Re: Search function

Tim Starling ts4294967296 at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 29 08:44:43 UTC 2003

Erik Moeller wrote:
> Geoff-
>>I found an article in desperate need of Wikification (& yes, it's an
>>article I have no sympathy for, but I'm finding it easy to resist the urge
>>to add the POV declaration "this topic is bullshit"), when I noticed I am
>>no longer able to type in a word & ask for a search.
>>What's up?
> When Pliny came back up the server was extremely slow. I checked the SQL  
> processlist and noticed lots of hanging search threads. I have no idea  
> what's wrong, but for the time being I've taken the title search out. "Go"  
> should still work as expected (when there's no match it performs a title  
> search). If the server runs fine for the next few hours I'll put the  
> search back in and see what happens.

It's a bit annoying when you want a title search but "go" wants to take 
you to an article.

<whisper> Don't tell anyone, but you can still do a title search by 
pressing enter in the search box </whisper>

> I've also disabled sysop queries after some **** ran a query repeatedly  
> which would bog the whole db server down. I think they should stay  
> disabled until someone hacks a timeout into the function, and it will be  
> hard to convince me otherwise.

It's alright for you, you've got a developer account. I'm a mere sysop 
:( Oh well, I can still just log into larousse and do queries from the 
command line client.

You're quite right though. (there you go, I'm agreeing with you about 
something). There appears to be a method for implementing timeouts at:


Doesn't look too hard.

-- Tim Starling.

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