[WikiEN-l] Dreaming

steve vertigo utilitymuffinresearch at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 13 21:07:51 UTC 2003

Ive been daydreaming lately... Imagining a place where
all translations were maching-processed, boiled down
to a trans-language file that upon every varied edit,
was translated back into all other languages....  
The interface language would merely be a veneer--
a window into which whatever software used makes its
best guess at figuring out what it is you have to say,
and converts this to a nexus form -- a tongue which
uses as may components of as many languages as
necessary to describe and prescribe an idea -- a
language of nothing but vast quantities of metadata
and dried muffin remnants... 

It would be ugly, disastrous, competitive, heated..
wily, gnarly, vicious, capricious, seedy, dastardly,
voluminous, voluptuous, harried, shitty, mungled,
bungled, wacked in the head, screwy, cheezy, and just
plain fucked up...   But it still ought work.  Instead
of a wiki it could be called a "sickie"

Heck, who here can remember what they thought of a
wiki when they first heard the idea?


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