[WikiEN-l] Ideas on a methodology

Claudine Chionh claudine at chionh.org
Mon Jul 7 11:11:27 UTC 2003

Erik Moeller wrote in response to Daniel:
>> I agree completely except for the name of the "stable" Wikipedia 
>> distribution; that, IMO, should be the slightly different "GNUpedia."
>> Of course the GNU people esp RMS would have to sign off on our use of
>> the "GNU" brand. If they do not feel comfortable with that then we can
>> use Nupedia.
> Even if they do (which I somewhat doubt unless we more openly endorse or
>  participate in the GNU project), this would link us strongly to the GNU
>  philosophy. 

Just to throw something in to the discussion:

See <http://www.gnu.org/encyclopedia/>

> Our idea for a free encyclopedia is described in The Free Universal
> Encyclopedia and Learning Resource.
> Just as we were starting a project, GNUpedia, to develop a free
> encyclopedia, the Nupedia encyclopedia project adopted the GNU Free
> Documentation License and thus became a free commercial project. So we
> decided to merge GNUpedia project into Nupedia. Now, the Wikipedia
> encyclopedia project has adopted the philosophy of Nupedia and taken it
> even further. We encourage you to visit and contribute to the site.


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