[WikiEN-l] Some Potential Out-of-Copyright Sources

Geoff Burling llywrch at agora.rdrop.com
Sun Jan 5 06:37:30 UTC 2003

As a way of saying hello to the list, I thought I'd mention a couple
of print sources that are now out of copyright & may be useful for
mining future information/maps/illustrations from:

1. The London Illustrated News. If half of the blurbs I've read is
true, then the issues prior to 1912 should be full of engravings
of the current archeological finds -- as well as contemporary events.
Has anyone explored this?

2. The Victoria County History series. For those not in the know,
these were a collection of volumes on the historic counties of England,
covering the geography, antiquities, & natural history of each county.
Many of these were written before 1912; if I can make the time in the
next few weeks, I will stop by a local college which has many of
these & see if I can find an out-of-copyright plan of the excavation
of Silchester.

Geoff (aka llywrch)

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