[WikiEN-l] Votes for deletion and due process

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 18 23:04:42 UTC 2003

LDan wrote:
>What if the person doesn't check the page? 
>Why not just contact the author instead of a 
>boilerplate thing on the article, which, IMO, is 
>just as bad a defacement.

What? If the page is listable on VfD then at least somebody thinks it has 
serious issues. Therefore a notice that the page is being considered for 
deletion is valuable information for the reader of the page. 

>Deleting a page really isn't as bad as 
>sending someone to prison. 

Where oh where did I mention prison? 

>And no one's arguing that we should 
>make any deletion records private.

? And where did I say that they were? I specifically mentioned that VfD is a 
publicly viewable page and compared it with publically viewable court 

-- mav

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