[WikiEN-l] original research on wikipedia

Axel Boldt axelboldt at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 13 16:46:17 UTC 2003

--- Daniel Ehrenberg <littledanehren at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I'm just 13, and
> I obviously can't get my original research published,
> but I have done some inventing/research with new
> results, but not contradictory to known facts and
> studies. (I created a teaching method for algebra that
> worked on four out of four preschoolers and I'm
> creating a more efficient language that is completely
> regular and logical.) 

You indeed don't have a chance on the logical language front. People
have worked on that problem starting with Leibniz, and hordes of
computer scientists/logicians are working on it at all times. You need
to know the relevant literature to publish in that field. Nevertheless,
you can submit your article to the preprint archive at arxiv.org,
mention it on usenet and hope for some constructive feedback.

Math education is very different though. If you have a good idea there,
you can publish easily. Write your work up nicely and go to the
brightest math teacher at your school, or just pick a random math ed
prof at a local college and show up at their office hour. After the
first shoots you down, go to the next. There are journals that happily
publish undergraduate research.


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