[Wikide-l] [Fwd: [Info-de-l] Request for policy change]

Elisabeth Bauer elian at djini.de
So Feb 29 19:39:53 UTC 2004

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jetzt mal:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Info-de-l] Request for policy change
Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 11:49:01 -0600
From: Vicious The Katana Ownin' Arse Pwnin Man 
<viciouskatanaguy at hotmail.com>
To: info-de-l at Wikipedia.org

Okay, someone told me that there was a policy against massive amounts of

E.G. this is why 08. Juli and the numerous other spellings for Umm
al-Qaiwain were deleted without debate on the German VFD. Needless to 
say, I
hate this policy.

Other people may make articles out of other spellings. I have encountered
double articles in EN several times. We need to redirect the numerous
alternate spellings for Umm al-Qaiwain in order to prevent people from
making double articles.

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Kommentar von elian:

Vicious, aka [[Benutzer:Whispertome]] bezieht sich hier auf die von ihm 
angelegten zahllosen Redirects, die ich gelöscht habe, da sie nicht den 
arabischen Namenskonventionen in der deutschen Wikipedia entsprechen und 
auch nicht der policy, keine rechtschreibredirects anzulegen.

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