[Textbook-l] wikiversity licensing

Karl Wick karlwick at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 20 17:32:22 UTC 2003

I am going to make one last plea here as we are
contemplating a WikiU / Wikiversity site .. we are about to
create tons of new content so lets get the licensing thing
right from the beginning. 

It would be a setback to not be able to use previously
developed materials but lets get it right while this
project is in its infancy. The more I learn about RMS the
less likely it seems that he is going to show any
flexibiity or go along with ideas that arent his own. So
lets make sure that the new content that we are creating
isnt subject to his whims and control of the GNU FDL, lets
at least make it so that the Wikiversity retains the right
to release all submissions under whatever other license
that it wants later on. Right now there are many
restrictions on how to use the material and WikiMedia /
Wikiversity doesnt control it, RMS does. Lets get it all
into the hands of the Wikiversity.


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