[Textbook-l] distinct books

Karl Wick karlwick at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 12 16:35:45 UTC 2003

I think that the textbook site would be better organized
with each book falling into its own place on the site. This
is what I mean:




That way a page within the Spanish textbook could be named
"Infinitives" and a page within any other language textbook
could be named the same without conflict. I think that in
the long run this will make naming simpler.

We would ideally also have the option to limit searches to
one textbook at a time. 

About interchangeable modules (that is, using one module
for multiple textbooks): this solution may be inideal
because the goals of each textbook are different and
editing a module for one book will sometimes make it less
suited to other books. Even if I were to take my own
organic chemistry book and rearrange it I would have to
rewrite many parts of it to make sure that supporting ideas
arent being thown out there before they have been properly

The advantage to reusing modules is that it saves a little
bit of copying and pasting, right ? This is a shortcut that
I think sets books up to be more on the generic side than
tailored to suit. And when I use a textbook for myself Id
rather have the whole thing tailored to suit.

Discuss amongst yourselves.

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