[teampractices] "post it" like collaboration on web

Anne Gomez agomez at wikimedia.org
Fri Jul 15 20:50:05 UTC 2016

Hey there TPG and friends,

Here's a tool that might be useful for remote collaboration for less-linear
things. One of the challenges I've run into repeatedly with remote
conversations is around free-form clustering, as opposed to working on
lists (etherpad), lists of lists (phab or trello), matrices (spreadsheets).

I know an engineer who used to work on Padlet <https://padlet.com/>. Here's
an example pad you can play with (or make your own):

I haven't played around with it too much, so not sure if it's reliable or
how much it scales (either by pads or collaborators), but it might be
interesting to you to check it out.


*Anne Gomez* // Reading Product Manager, New Readers

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