[Mediawiki-l] MediaWiki 1.6.7

khuffman at NGS.ORG khuffman at NGS.ORG
Wed Jun 21 19:51:08 UTC 2006

I just installed MediaWiki 1.6.7 and wanted to change the left navigation 
box -- so I followed these procedures/directions 
http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:%24wgNavigationLinks . I have done this 
is earlier version 1.4.x and it works fine but when I've added this code 
to my LocalSettings.php file for 1.6.7, my changes do not take. 

$wgNavigationLinks = array (
    array( 'text'=>'mainpage',    'href'=>'mainpage' ),
    array( 'text'=>'portal',    'href'=>'portal-url' ),
    array( 'text'=>'currentevents', 'href'=>'currentevents-url' ),
    array( 'text'=>'recentchanges', 'href'=>'recentchanges-url' ),
    array( 'text'=>'randompage',    'href'=>'randompage-url' ),
    array( 'text'=>'help',     'href'=>'helppage' ),

Can anyone help me? Thank you! Karen

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