[Mediawiki-l] portal namespace

Mr Scsi mrscsi at gmail.com
Thu Jun 1 17:24:51 UTC 2006

Our installation is heavily used and growing rapidly. That means that
update/enhancement requests are also growing.

My latest comes from a visit to the wikipedia site.
In the top of the main page, there is a navigation bar with 'portal' links.
I have searched everywhere and see the references to the portal namespace.
My question is:
a) how do I enable the portal namespace on 1.6.6.
b) How do I add the browse bar at the top of the main page? I see lots of
references to "portals template<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Portals>"
and "Portal:Browse <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Browse>" simply
creates a new empty page.

Is there a template I need to install? or activate?



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