[Mediawiki-l] Integrating phpBB as a MediaWiki extension page?

Webmaster Comunitatea Română webmaster at comunitatea-romana.com
Sat Aug 12 07:19:25 UTC 2006

I have setup phpBB and MediaWiki on a web server and they are using the same
authentication tables through the MediaWiki authentication extension for

I would like to integrate phpBB into MediaWiki so that it's not so visible
that they are totally different applications. Basically, when browsing the
phpBB forum, I would like to still have on the page the MediaWiki sidebar
and the site logo. I was thinking that it might be possible to do that in a
custom MediaWiki extension that somehow executes the phpBB page and writes
the output into the page. Anyway, such a page should not execute the entire
index.php page, or the phpBB skin would have to be stripped of the header
and footer sections. In case you haven't figure it out, I'm new to MediaWiki
and phpBB ... :-)

Do you know if there's something like this already available?
If not, I would really appreciate some feedback and suggestions about this
as I don't know where to start yet.


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