[Mediawiki-l] help comparing password to invisionboard hashed

Josh joshua.l.bass at lmco.com
Sun Sep 11 03:24:13 UTC 2005

I am trying to modify the AuthPress code to work with invisionboard 2.0. The
problem I am running into is the way the password is stored with invisionboard.
Usernames are stored in a table named "members" with a corresponding table row
id. The passwords are stored in a separate table named members_converge that
references the users table row id. The password has a "hash" and a "salt". 

Can someone help me modify the password section of the below script to pull from
a separate table and use the hash/salt encryption? Hopefully this will be
helpful to other users also. 



class AuthPress extends AuthPlugin {
	var $mAuthPressTablePrefix="";
	var $mUseSeparateAuthPressDB=false;
	var	$mAuthPressDBServer;
	var	$mAuthPressDBName;
	var	$mAuthPressUser;
	var	$mAuthPressPassword;
	var $mAuthPressDBconn = -1;
	function AuthPress () {
		global $wgDBserver, $wgDBname, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword;


	function setAuthPressTablePrefix ( $prefix ) {

	function getAuthPressUserTableName () {
		return $this->mAuthPressTablePrefix."members";

	function setAuthPressDBServer ($server) {

	function setAuthPressDBName ($dbname) {

	function setAuthPressUser ($user) {

	function setAuthPressPassword ($password) {

	function &getAuthPressDB () {
		if( $this->mUseSeparateAuthPressDB ) {
			//print $this->mAuthPressDBServer;
			//print $this->mAuthPressUser;
			//print $this->mAuthPressPassword; 
			//print $this->mAuthPressDBName; 
			if(! is_object($this->mDBconn) ) {
				$this->mAuthPressDBconn =
					new Database($this->mAuthPressDBServer,
								$this->mAuthPressDBName	); 
			return $this->mAuthPressDBconn;
		else {
			return wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );		

	 * Check whether there exists a user account with the given name.
	function userExists( $username ) {
		$dbr =& $this->getAuthPressDB();
		$res = $dbr->selectRow($this->getAuthPressUserTableName(),
				       "AuthPress::authenticate" );

		if($res) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	 * Check if a username+password pair is a valid login.
	function authenticate( $username, $password ) {
		$dbr =& $this->getAuthPressDB();

		$res = $dbr->selectRow($this->getAuthPressUserTableName(),
				       "AuthPress::authenticate" );

		if( $res && ( $res->passwd == MD5( $password ))) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;



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